Information Overload Internal Communication Internal communication research

5 Ways to Tackle the Information Overload Challenge

You can also now subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more updates. Wishing my readers a peaceful and prosperous New Year! As we enter 2018, I am sharing perspectives on a topic that matters to each one of us – information overload. Globally the pace of communication has exploded. Each day we receive hundreds of messages making […]

Blogroll Internal Communication

Targeted internal communications based on information consumption?

As far as I am aware internal communicators serve information to staff based on the need, age, tenure, career levels, organization’s priorities and focus areas, importance and maturity of the individual within the organization, time of the day among other reasons. TNS’s recent research and segmentation of consumers is based on their information consumption patterns. […]

Internal Communication internal communications, internal marketing, internal b

Information overload and the role of internal communicators

Organizations are waking up to the alarming increase in information overload and drop in productivity among their staff. According to RescueTime, an organization which analyses computer use behavior, a typical information worker who sits at a computer all day turns to his e-mail programme more than 50 times and uses instant messaging 77 times.The research also […]