Leader communication Manager communication Storytelling

Use storytelling to inspire, connect and engage staff

Last week, I shared a case study of Mira and her challenges in getting staff aligned on the non-profit’s vision and plans. Got some interesting perspectives from readers: Collin suggested having a leader video to explain the vision and get better buy-in, Poonamrecommended a working group that assists Mira and providing incentives for ideas that employees contribute and Kevin believes […]

Employee Advocacy Employee Branding Employee Communication

Why are my employees not on the same page?

Recently, a communicator overseeing employee and external communication for a not-for-profit wrote to me seeking advice. Let us call her ‘Mira’. Here is Mira’s case. Reflect on it and share how you would help her overcome the challenges she faces. Mira joined a year ago at Secure, a not-for-profit. She leads the responsibility of communicating […]

Business Communication Communication Content Communication Design Communication Processes

4 tips to provide effective counsel on business communications

Every day internal communicators write, review, edit or re-write content pieces that business teams use to communicate at work. Be it the launch of a campaign, reiterating a policy or an employee event, helping business teams achieve success is a priority for communicators. To be a respected communication counsel, the internal communicator must be able […]

Change Management Corporate Social Responsibility Employee Involvement

3 approaches to effectively communicate your organization’s CSR practices

Recently, a peer from the industry working at a global fashion brand sought advice on corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication. According to her, she conducts many engaging events, collaborates with stakeholders on numerous initiatives and invests heavily on community work that influences society. Despite this, she felt there seemed to be limited understanding of the […]