Charity communications Digital Communication Digital Media Internal Digital Strategy not for profit not for profit communications

Not-For-Profit Communications 101 | Maximizing your digital impact insights

Harnessing the potential of the digital landscape has become crucial for not-for-profit organizations seeking to make a meaningful impact on stakeholders. As communication professionals and leaders in the not-for-profit sector, you understand the value of leveraging social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as maintaining an engaging website. To differentiate your […]

Digital Communication Digital Workplace Future of Internal Communications Internal Communication Internal Digital Strategy

Spotlight On Digital Technologies | Edition #25 | Jonas Bladt Hansen | Keynote Speaker, Internal & Change Communicator and Digital Workplace Expert

With the proliferation of digital technologies in internal communications, it can get tough to make sense of what and how to manage these critical resources. More so, with the shift to online mode of communication during the pandemic, most organizations were struggling to balance human touch with digital reach. In this chat with Jonas from […]