How robust is the internal communications function? Which channels are most popular in the region? How integrated is internal social media? What advice do communicators have for others joining the function? What drives engagement in the workforce? What does the future look like for internal communications? Find out all this and more with the results […]
Month: February 2014
How To Run An Effective and Inclusive Community Social Media Campaign
Very often when we think of social media we aim for eyeballs and reach for the brand by posting content on a page. When it comes to using social media for a charitable cause it can get trickier since you have to balance between staying true to the need and promoting the brand.  However, when […]
Managing Gen Y Takes Sensitivity and Positive Intent: Leaders Share Perspectives at NASSCOM GIC Forum’s Leadership Series
I attended NASSCOM Global In-house Centres (GIC) Forum’s Leadership Series on ‘Managing Gen Y’ at Bangalore on February 6th where senior leaders from leading companies discussed the challenges and implications of engaging this growing group. In his keynote address Biren Ghose, Country Head of Technicolour explained the different kind of workplace – physically, emotionally among […]
Building A Brand Inside Out: How A Campus Video Improved Recruitment
Sharing my article on Tesco HSC’s effort to gain the hearts and minds of prospective hires from campus. The article appeared on Simply Communicate, a UK based global internal communications forum of over 20,000 members. Link: