Employer Branding Employer Branding in Australia Employer branding in EU Employer Branding in Poland how to be a top employer brand How to build employer brand Talent Management Talent Marketing

10 Core Principles to Build a Strong Employer Brand

Employer branding is all about shaping how current and potential employees see your company. It’s about making your workplace the place to be. Surprisingly, 72% of recruiting leaders say it’s crucial for hiring, but only 55% have a solid strategy (LinkedIn Talent Solutions, 2022). In this blog, I will share the context to consider and […]

Employee Advocacy Employee Brand Employer Branding EVP Talent Management

Employer Branding 101 | 6 Steps to Localize Your Employee Value Proposition

Companies expanding across borders must grapple with a crucial question: Should they stick with a one-size-fits-all global employee value proposition (EVP), or tailor it to fit the unique needs of local markets and talent pools? The answer lies in understanding the importance of local nuances and taking strategic steps to localize your EVP effectively. Here […]

Academics Authenticity Business Communication Knowledge Management Knowledge Workers Nation Brand Skills and Knowledge Talent Management

11 Steps to Cultivate a Nation’s Talent Powerhouse

The key to a country’s success lies in its ability to harness the power of talent. Yet, the understanding of what talent truly means has often been misunderstood, leading to missed opportunities and an underutilization of human potential. Countries that perceive their people as reservoirs of knowledge and expertise, contributing to the overall economic growth […]

Australia Career Management Europe IC Careers India Nation Brand Poland Talent Management

8 Signs That Indicate a Nation’s Talent Crisis

In the complex labyrinth of global economies, the role of effective talent management can never be overstated. However, some nations, despite their apparent growth, are unwittingly neglecting the crucial aspect of nurturing and attracting talent. Within the fabric of a nation’s socio-economic ecosystem, certain disconcerting signs serve as harbingers of a pressing need for transformative […]

Employer Branding GBS GBS Communication Talent Management

Join SSON Webinar | How a GBS “Brand” Drives Talent, Engagement & Transformation in Shared Services | May 4, 2023

Pleased to share that I will be participating as a speaker in this upcoming webinar, having contributed to the research on the role of GBS branding in influencing talent, engagement, and transformation. Sign-up now to this free webinar: https://www.sson-analytics.com/global-business-services/webinars/leveraging-the-gbs-brand-value-for-talent-engagement-transformation This webinar shares new research on the potential, but as of yet largely untapped, value of […]

Attraction Reputation Retention Talent Management

Role of Branding in Talent Management, Communication & Transformation | Take Part in the SSON Study

Happy to be partnering with Shared Services and Outsourcing Network on a first-ever study on branding linked to local communication, attraction and reputation management. This survey runs till March 2023. If you are a #gbs leader and keen to understand how #branding and #communication influences #talent attraction, #reputation, and #retention, this first-ever study will help you make effective #decisions, steer #changemanagement and #transformation and, enhance site #leadership and impact. Take the survey, […]