Employee Advocacy Employee Engagement Employee experience Employee Listening Intranet

5 Insights from Over Two Decades of Intranet Management Experience

Intranets play a crucial role in keeping employees connected, fostering collaboration, and driving efficiency. Over my two-decade journey in managing corporate intranets, I’ve gleaned valuable insights that have shaped the evolving landscape of these internal platforms. The Heart of Communication Early on, intranets were often overlooked, relegated to silos, and lacked the attention they deserved. […]

Employee Communications Enterprise Social Networks Intranet Usability

6 insights from the intranet journey | Meetup | Feb 6

Pleased to be presenting my thoughts on the Microsoft 365 User Group Meetup on Feb 6 in Australia. After spending a couple of decades handling intranets and enterprise social networks, I have distilled perspectives on how to make such platforms work for the users and for the organizations. Hear more when I chat to the […]