Consulting Internal Consulting Partnership Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Management Value Adding

Stop stakeholder-bashing. First get your act together, internal communicators!

For all the articles out there bashing #stakeholders (annoying, ungrateful, irrational etc) for their lack of empathy or acknowledgment of what #internalcommunicators can do and deliver, there are lots of internal communication teams that aren’t doing justice to the role or the organization they are embedded in. Just overseeing #channels, sending out communications and pretending […]

External Communication Internal Communication Public relations

Is Internal Communications Different from External Communications? How and Why Does it Matter?

Have you ever wondered – Is internal communications any different from external communications? At first glance, it might seem like they share similar traits – engaging audiences, utilizing various channels, crafting content, and measuring impact. However, if we dig deeper, we uncover a world of disparities that demand a distinct approach and mindset. In this […]