Change Management Change Readiness Communication strategy Consistency Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Management

5 Steps to Establish Groundwork and Communicate Change

Are you ready to lay the foundation for a successful change management function? In my previous article, I discussed the importance of assessing readiness and setting up a governance model. Now, let’s explore how to establish the groundwork, build a coalition, and achieve stakeholder buy-in. 1. Establishing the Groundwork Creating a robust foundation involves aligning […]

Consulting Internal Consulting Partnership Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Management Value Adding

Stop stakeholder-bashing. First get your act together, internal communicators!

For all the articles out there bashing #stakeholders (annoying, ungrateful, irrational etc) for their lack of empathy or acknowledgment of what #internalcommunicators can do and deliver, there are lots of internal communication teams that aren’t doing justice to the role or the organization they are embedded in. Just overseeing #channels, sending out communications and pretending […]

Employee Engagement Leader communication Stakeholder Management

Spotlight on Stakeholder Management | Edition #6 | Rebecca Sangster-Kelly

Welcome to the 6th edition of Intraskope’s Spotlight Series featuring Rebecca Sangster-Kelly, a communications and stakeholder management coach, consultant based in the UK. She believes that meaningful engagement is key to the success of any team, project, and in building influence. Rebecca is convinced that learning is innate and that communications as a professional exercise […]

Internal Communication Ownership Stakeholder Management

Managing the Internal Communicator’s ‘Ownership’ Conundrum

Often internal communicators are requested or solicited to ‘own’ programs which may not be within their remit or purview. Saying Yes can result in unnecessary workload and distraction from key priorities. Say No can result in angst and friction among stakeholders. Swaying too much on either side of the spectrum has its benefits and downsides. […]