How can internal communicators step up their game with innovation? What can they do to take the initiative and get a seat at the table? Why do measurement and analytics play a key role in reshaping the communication agenda? Get answers to these questions and more in this free-flowing chat with expert communication consultant […]
Communication Execution
Spotlight On Creativity in Communication | Edition #22 | Brad Whitworth | Communication Thought Leader, SCMP, IABC Fellow
Welcome to the 22nd edition of Intraskope’s Spotlight Series featuring Brad Whitworth, a senior communication and marketing executive with 40 years of experience in Fortune 20 high-tech, financial services and association management. Brad has an impressive track record with top-tier media outlets (CNN, Wall Street Journal, BBC, BusinessWeek, NY Times, Nikkei, USA Today, SJ Mercury […]
Spotlight on Communication Execution | Edition #19 | Diana Bonczar | Internal Communications consultant and trainer, Co-Founder at Inko Club & Femme Palette mentor
How often do we pay attention to executing a great plan? What is the value of a fantastic plan when it remains on paper? what must communicators consider while executing to a plan? Learn this and more in this interview with Diana Bonczar, co-founder of Inko Group. Diana is a thought leader who focuses on […]