Communication hiring Hiring for Internal Communications Interviewing Spotlight on IC

Spotlight on Internal Communication Hiring | Edition #28 | Christopher Flores  | Transformation and Communication Consultant  

Taking a strategic approach to hiring for internal communications can reduce angst and concerns down the line. Hiring for the function is a crucial aspect of a communication leader and those who invest right can benefit in the long run. Ensuring there is role clarity, reducing bias and testing talent can improve the odds. 

In this conversation, I discuss the finer points of internal communications hiring with Christopher Flores and appreciate the nuances. 

Welcome to the 28th edition of Intraskope’s Spotlight Series that features Christopher Flores, a transformation and communication consultant based in Spain.  Christopher believes in helping organizations change the status quo. With deep expertise in strategic communications, as a executive coach and transformation specialist, he has 17 years of experience aligning teams, companies and stakeholders to effectively execute organizational strategies and objectives. He considers himself a business partner, developing and executing change management programs, fostering dynamic organizational culture, and advising, coaching and training senior leadership.  

In this interview, I spoke to Christopher on the value of hiring right for internal communications, an area often ignored and also proving to be costly for leaders and organizations who discover much later the damage poor hiring does. We discuss potential approaches and tips to ensure the function gets the best candidates. 

1. What are some of the key perspectives we need to consider while hiring for internal comms roles?  

 You need to have a clear purpose for the role/team. Understand what skills are needed and don’t focus so much on tasks. 

2. Why is it so hard for people to identify the best talent in internal communication? 

Too often seen as only communication skills that are needed. Extremely high EQ is critical. Internal communication is still misunderstood in most companies. 

3. In your experience, what kinds of questions gets the most optimal insights on prospective candidates? 

 Stop focusing on experience and test talent and discover who the person is. Ask them to do writing samples; comms plan for a specific project/topic; perform a retrospective. Gives you far more insights than a CV.  

4. What advice do you have for people who are interviewing for IC roles? 

 Too often interviewers are not prepared and a lot of time is spent by the candidate providing an overview of their CV. Engage them directly and ask specific questions about their CV/cover letter you really want to know more about. 

 5. What advice do you have for leaders and organizations when they hire for IC roles?  

 Have a clear purpose. Hire for talent over experience. Think what complementary skills are needed. 

Watch this interview with Christopher Flores to learn more.  

In the Spotlight on Internal Communications Series, I talk to thought leaders on topics interrelated with internal communications such as culture, crisis, change, executive presence and leadership. The goal is to help unravel why they matter, what can leaders and communicators learn from experts and how we can put insights to practice.  

Watch the complete video interview on YouTube or read the complete transcript above. 

Missed the earlier episodes? Watch them here: D. Mark Schumann (Culture), Peter Yorke (Executive Presence), Sia Papageorgiou (Leadership Communications), Dianne Chase (Strategic Storytelling), Gloria Walker (Communication Planning), Rebecca Sangster-Kelly (Stakeholder Management), Ray Walsh (Localizing Employee Communications), Prof. Matt Tidwell (Reputation), Geri Rhoades (Manager Communications), Erik K Meyers (Business Acumen), Russell-Olivia Brooklands (IC Practice Governance), Paul Barton (Public Speaking and Business Communication), Cyrus Mavalwala (Digital Communication), Elvera N Makki (Social Impact Communication), Philippe Borremans (Communication Preparedness) and Magdalena Petryniak (Influence in Communications), Priya Bates (Communicating Diversity & Inclusion), Zora Artis (Communication Alignment), Diana Bonczar (Communication Execution), Jane McConnell (Gig Mindset), Paul Mathews (Trust & Communications), Brad Whitworth (Creativity in Communication), Zane Ewton (Podcasting), Andrea Greenhous (Employee Experience) and Jonas Bladt Hansen (Digital Technologies), Luis Suarez (Data Analytics & KM) and Laura McHale (Neuroscience in Communications). 

 You can also look up the ongoing Intraskope’s Spotlight on Internal Communication Series featuring practitioners from around the globe sharing best practices and perspectives. 

Liked the interview? Post your comments and share it with your network.  

Keen to participate in the ongoing series on Personal Branding, Crisis Communications, Internal Communications or CSR Communications? Drop me a note at [email protected]  



Here are Internal Communications resources you can use:  


You can also visit my website and You Tube channel to know more about my work.  

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