Blogroll Internal Communication

Looking at improving your internal focus groups? Here are some 'recession-proof' recommendations

Most communicators are involved at some point in their careers in crafting and conducting organizational engagement surveys. Though some are also known to conduct more frequent health checks or focus groups or pulse checks which keep a tab on how employees feel.

Recently, on a request to chip in with ideas to enhance the process, I came up with some recommendations, which I am sharing here.


The key point is to listen intently and be relevant.

– Leverage the session to understand if ‘company and group messages’ have been registered

– Share recent ‘policy’ changes (i.e., ask for their ideas on improvement and changes)

– Publish steps being taken based on previous feedback shared

– Leverage best practices (I am aware of organizations which have devised a manual morale meter which employees place on their desks to display their state of mind!)

– Use videos from recent local events to energize employees

– A quick slide on the two / three most recent wins/good news stories

– Ask everyone to share a story that inspired them

– Leverage any company collateral – be it video, photos etc

– Maybe an online poll or a blog post which invites further discussion on any of the key themes which emerge from the health checks

Have other ideas? Share them.

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