Blogroll Internal Communication

Gauge Your Organization’s Internal Social Media Readiness Quotient

As Binu and Seema try to understand if their organization is ready for internal social media integration it helps to read the signs that can enable stakeholders to make the right decision.

Very often organizations implement social media without fully gauging the value it adds and impact it can deliver. It can also be possible that the culture isn’t ready for this new form of communication.

How does an organization know if it is truly ready for internal social media?

Here are some pointers that can support decision makers within the organization to take stock. Check your organization’s readiness quotient by taking the following poll.

Each statement carries a point. Total your score and review your current position.

A)           Purpose: Your organization is clear on how you plan to use social media internally

•              You have sought your staff’s views and have a roadmap for tapping knowledge.

•              You know which challenges you are tackling.

•              You have a vision for the future.

B)            Leadership Commitment: Your leadership team fully understands the need for internal social media

•              Your leaders are abreast with the trends in social media

•              Your leaders actively participate in social media

•              They understand how their direct engagement with internal social media drive participation

C)            Team: Your organization is invested in internal social media with a dedicated team

•              The team is specialized in technical, content and marketing of the medium

•              The team has a strategy to communicate and involve staff

•              The team has a plan to learn from internal social media

D)           Systems: The organization has a robust internal platform to manage internal social media

•              A dedicated team refreshes the system

•              The team collaborates effectively with the social media team

•              The team can keep the system operating with zero downtime

E)         Policy: Your organization has a documented social media policy

•              Your staff understands your policy

•              The policy integrates internal and external social media

•              Your organization has effective methods to educate employees on the policy

F) Culture: Your organization’s culture allows for collaboration and networking

•              Your organization has an open culture where views are often sought from staff and mistakes acknowledged

•              The culture allows for direct and even harsh feedback to be given

•              Your organization’s culture accepts free speech and expression

 G) Responsiveness: Your organization responds swiftly to situations and feedback

•              In a crisis your organization is fortnight about the issue and provides information when sought

•              Your organization is willing to accept feedback and take proactive measures

•              Your organization responds in a timely manner to questions or clarifications your employees have

Evaluate Your Internal Social Media Readiness Quotient Score:

If you have scores between 15-21, you are in the mature bracket of organizations who will do justice with internal social media.

If your scores are between 10-15, you need to invest time to build your culture and credibility among staff before you launch internal social media

If you scored less than 10, your organization isn’t yet ready for internal social media. You need to first get the basics right.

How did your organization score?

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