Internal Communication

Creating an unique experience for the visitor

In India, and I am sure in most parts of the world where outsourcing work is conducted, there is a constant need to map prospective customers and provide them the right messages. Everything from why they have made the right choice, the need to expand business and how the long term vision reads.

 So, from an internal communications perspective, I have seen efforts to make the experience of visiting India enlightening. From the time the visitor lands at the airport till the time of departure, the communications team plans an entire series of touch-point messages including influencing the way they view the country.

While most prospective or current customers have a fair idea of India, they are not quite accostomed to the climate, the responsiveness and energy….which is I dare say on par if not the best in the world…

 Apart from multi-media presentations, the visitors are shown the seamless integration in technology, the security measures, data protection methods among others. Subtle but strong messages on employee engagement, corporate social responsibility and internal systems are sent out via videos and face to face meetings.

Most prospects line up a series of companies which they plan to do business with and hence their schedules are usually packed with back to back visits. Namely, the big guns – Infosys, IBMs and the Accentures of the world get ‘top of mind’ visibility.

What usually makes a difference is the amount of personalization built into the program.

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