Internal Communication

Evaluating intranet management firms and what you should look out for

I have had the opportunity in my earlier assignments to observe the transition between an existing vendor and another taking over the intranet management. Quite a tricky affair managing expectations and heartburn!

While trying to gauge what works best – in-sourcing or outsourcing, the debate never really ends. There are pros and cons but what matters is really how open the organization is in trying out new ideas and new ways of communicating with employees. For example, a conservative organization might prefer to run with its existing set-up fearing legacy issues and internal dynamics not once considering the immense ROI that an intranet can deliver.

Here are some of my observations which I can share on what internal communication professionals managing the intranet should look for while evaluating intranet agencies. I can speak for the Indian context – I am sure there are many different ways of going about the same elsewhere around the world.

 a) Observe the thought process of the vendor: Are they coming to you as partners in creating an effective intranet or asking you to play to their game? Most often agencies come with ready to use, ‘tried and tested’ models which they try to plug and play. This is the easy way out. Avoid falling for the trap.

b) Usability skills is critical: Does the agency talk to you from a user’s perspective? Have they conducted Usability tests in the past and do they have examples to share? An intranet is all about connecting with your audience.

c) Design and content: While this is usually a given, check out the team capabilities. Who will be handling and working on your account? Who will review content and design updates from the agency? Does the individual have relevant experience? Can you look at some samples of unedited vs edited content?

d) Try and test: Do not rush to sign a contract just because the agency has a fancy flash website with a fantastic portfolio of work. Give them an opportunity to prove their worth. Provide a live project and test the commtiment, speed, logical thinking, creative abilities and client interactions.

e) Understanding business: Gauge the effort they take to understand business and culture before deciding on the business plan. It will give you a perspective of their attention to detail and ability to get the pulse of the audience. Some agencies may want to send their team over to spend a day. By all means – encourage it. If they are willing to soak in the culture, it is a positive sign.

3 thoughts on “Evaluating intranet management firms and what you should look out for

  1. The Intranet Benchmarking Forum is good (hey, I co-founded it).

    But intranets are dying aren’t they?

    Thanks for the comment re: internal communications. And I absolutely agree – building competence and capability is critical. My point is that the competenect definitions need to go beyond what traditional internal communication skills are.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. I disagree that intranets are dying! Cause I am in the process of revamping one…what we probably need is a clear direction.

    Intranets are and should be self-running…when internal communicators attempt to manage them, we get in the way…

    Put a process, empower employees and get out of the way…I can see the difference here at the organization ( unfortunately, unable to reveal the name of the firm since there are policy issues) where I am witnessing a revolution. Have entrusted employees to start with simple applications like quizzes and trivia…slowly moving them to building tools which enhance the system…blogs and wikis will take shape later…

  3. I agree Aniisu… intranets are very much alive and growing in stature, profile and importance. However, I think Kevin is using some serious tongue-in-cheek!

    Keep up the good work — i’m going to add a link to this posting of ours in my entry today regarding hiring a manager or consultant.

    Cheers, Toby

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