Internal Communication

Help Solve Communication Satisfaction Challenges. Take This 5-Minute Academic Study Survey Now!

Hello readers in India,

I need your help for responses from employees and managers for this academic study I am doing. The survey aims to understand the factors that influence how employees perceive communication in their organization. The inputs from this survey will help derive insights that will enable managers, communication professionals and leaders make informed decisions on business and performance. This survey should take 5 minutes to complete. Your answers are completely confidential so please be as frank as you wish. This is not a test – your opinion is the only right answer. Do not sign your name; we do not wish to know who you are. The answers will be combined into groups for reporting purposes. Your assistance in this matter is very much appreciated. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Aniisu K Verghese on [email protected]. I sincerely thank you for your time and participation in this study.

The links are separate so it is easy to fill. Can I request you take what is relevant and pass on to your friends and network in India only? (employees only) (managers only)


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