Internal Communication

10 Tips To Keep Your Career Refreshed and Ahead of the Curve – (Final Part)

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Following up on my earlier post (part 1 of the series) I am sharing the final bunch of 10 career tips. Hope you find them useful.

Tip 6: Never underestimate the grapevine: Be aware of gossip and the rumor mills. But stay clear of engaging in it, lest you get swept by the undercurrents. That doesn’t mean you are clueless about who the key players are and how the grapevine works. Often, in organizations where the grapevine is strong internal communication can often be routed via that channel.

Tip 7: Know the influencers: In every group or organization you will find that some people are listened to more often. These individuals are the go-to for information, opinions and insights. Also, those who control and manage resources and therefore carry a lot of clout. Recognize how they operate and what makes them influence decisions within organizations. Meet and understand better their approach to work and what makes them fit in in the organization.

Tip 8: Make the most of your situation: When life throws tough challenges at you, learn to take them head on. You may not have the best manager, or the best resources or the best team. However, within the constraints think of ways in which you can make the most. Keep chipping away at initiatives. Keep moving your projects to a logical conclusion. Keep gaining in confidence and understanding of your role.

Tip 9: Don’t underestimate your role: The worst way to undermine your value is to be unsure of your own work. It allows stakeholders to dictate how your work is done.Not stopping people from negating the hard work you put in can lead to self-destruction.  Not taking time to share your plans and what you do can cause stakeholders to assume you aren’t delivering enough results. Not making the effort to prepare for meetings can erode credibility.

Tip 10: Be conscious of your actions and words: Remember that every action is watched and every word at the workplace weighed. So watch what you say and be aware of the actions you take. Behaviors are often discussed and good ‘corporate citizens’ are often sought after. That doesn’t mean you consciously pretend to be someone else at the workplace because sooner or later you will get caught out. It only means that every action and word can mar or make what you want to achieve at work.

These are just a few of the tips that can help reshape your perspective to career building and being your best in life.

Do these relate to you? Have a point of view? Share them here.

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