Blogroll Internal Communication

Why are Internal Communicators Always on the Ball?

Internal communicators are often a small tribe in organizations and are expected to juggle multiple responsibilities and relationships. These range from driving small initiatives to leading large companywide campaigns. The responsibilities can also include maintaining infrastructure or communicating periodically. The assignments can vary in their intensity and impact and most of the time internal communicators […]

Blogroll Internal Communication

Targeted internal communications based on information consumption?

As far as I am aware internal communicators serve information to staff based on the need, age, tenure, career levels, organization’s priorities and focus areas, importance and maturity of the individual within the organization, time of the day among other reasons. TNS’s recent research and segmentation of consumers is based on their information consumption patterns. […]

Blogroll Internal Communication

Decoding Potential and Performance for Internal Communications Hiring

I had blogged previously on ‘the internal communications career’,  ‘going prepared for an internal communication interview’ and ‘interviewing for an internal communication job’. However when I look back what I covered probably didn’t include the guidelines for internal communication managers to distinguish between a candidate’s ‘potential’ and the expected ‘performance’ so as to avoid a […]

Blogroll Internal Communication

Wikileaks, Corporate Espionage and Whistle Blowing – Implications for Internal Communication

The world is gripped by the ‘drip-drip-drip’ of cable internal communication shared by Wikileaks through their website. Apart from gauging the impact to international relations and politics these candid revelations also put the focus firmly on the power of transparency in internal communication. Interestingly, the India diplomatic corps have looked at the positive side of […]