Blogroll Internal Communication

Struggling to Build Your Internal Communication Team’s Presence?

Internal communicators are experts and specialists who collaborate with leaders and human resources to help achieve a shared understanding of organizational goals, connect and recognize employees. However to be accepted as leaders the team is often called up to prove its worth and value. How you build your team’s presence is crucial for their success. […]

Blogroll Internal Communication

Thinking of a Career in Internal Communications?

I wanted to pen down my thoughts on the evolving internal communications function based on numerous queries that have come my way from students, practicing professionals and educationists. This post also articulates the role of the internal communicator, key skills and competencies needed to excel in this field and the various career opportunities that exist.  Internal […]

Blogroll Internal Communication

Grassroot’ Employee Engagement Way Forward For Organizations

Over the last few months I have observed closely as employees took ownership to drive various engagement initiatives across the organization I work in. Unlike other organizations where dedicated teams are assigned to create a fun place, employees here leverage their ‘collective wisdom’ to uplift the mood in the offices. What started as a ‘community […]