Blogroll Internal Communication

Thinking of a Career in Internal Communications?

I wanted to pen down my thoughts on the evolving internal communications function based on numerous queries that have come my way from students, practicing professionals and educationists. This post also articulates the role of the internal communicator, key skills and competencies needed to excel in this field and the various career opportunities that exist.  Internal […]

Blogroll Internal Communication

Slowdown paradox – reduce or keep internal communication momentum going?

Do you communicate more or less or continue ‘business as usual’ during a slowdown?   Slowdown impacts communication budgets but research points to continued communication improving commitment even during these scenarios. Contradictory?   While most will agree that communication even during a slowdown is critical, very few communicators and leaders end up doing so.   […]

Internal branding Internal Communication internal communications, internal marketing, internal b refreshing internal campaigns

Refreshing internal campaigns and challenges

Very often internal initiatives lose momentum due to a host of reasons – ownership within the business, other campaigns getting better share of mind, budget cuts among others. Campaigns usually run out of steam after the intitial first round of messaging and gets communicators in a fix.  The organization may have added a fresh set […]